Cardigan & Top: Old Navy
Jeans: Dots
Shoes: Delia*s
I think this is an under $50 outfit for sure. Every article of clothing is something that I bought on clearance. The sweater was $12 or $14, the shirt I believe was $4, the jeans were $7 and the flats were $10. I wear these shoes all the time, too, it's crazy I've never photographed them before.
This is the first time I've been out of the house for a week. My stepfather came to town with his friend and his son to enjoy the Superbowl atmosphere and see if they could score tickets to the game. I don't like football (I know, I know) so I'm not going to watch with them, but I did go have lunch with them today.
School has been closed since Monday, so I've spent every day in my pajamas. I didn't mind not working at first, because I was sick. Once I started feeling better, sitting inside got real old, real fast.
Did you see that little planet widget I have over on my sidebar now? It's exciting to see the dots pop up when people visit from other parts of the world. Hello international friends! Sorry I'm not that interesting. :P
♫: Veruca Salt - Awesome
I love wearing low cost outfits, in my last post all my pieces together didn't cost more than €30!